Wednesday, May 16, 2012


if we were the only normal person near him,our first option would be to save hislife.........but all those media people were once such a normal person who would help others and their life with cameras changed everything,now whenever they see a unusual or defferent scene their first option would be shoot it in their camera rather than doing any other action,share and like to spread this...................
शर्मनाक क्रत्य की जितनी भी निन्दा की जाए कम है इन मीडिया के लोगो ने इंसानियत को परे रख कोरी धन्धा व्यवस्था को अपना लिया है जैसे वैश्या को धन्धे में सिर्फ़ पैसा दिखता है वैसे इन्हे धधे में सिर्फ़ कवरेज, चाहे फिर वह् किसी की मौत का तमाशा ही क्यो ना हो...........

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